Sharing media files between KODI and Archlinux: My setup

Hello, in this post I will not be reinventing the wheel or anything but I would like just to mention a couple of things I configured at home in order to play video or audio files I can start downloading from anywhere later on my TV when I get home, without going around home with an USB stick or anything.

For doing this I have my Archlinux computer connected to the Internet and running deluge, this way I can't connect from anywhere, even my phone and start downloading torrent files, check their progress and so. These files are stored in an external USB Hard Drive.

Also, for playing this files on the TV I have a Raspberry Pi running kodi.

An finally, the protocol used for linking those two things together is uPnP, kodi is already prepared for acting as a uPnP client, and for running a uPnP server on my machine I am using Mediatomb, it is available on the AUR, is extremely easy to install and runs flawlessly!

And that's it, that's my current configuration at home for watching movies, if you are looking for a method to do the same, I hope you find this useful and I encourage you to try this setup and let me know your opinions.